
Monday, April 8, 2013

Artists I Adore - Jacquie Gering

I had the chance to meet Jacquie Gering at Quilt Con in February but didn't see this video until this past weekend. It totally broke my heart, and hers, obviously, as she talked about her husband's experience working in the Chicago Public Schools. I really hope you'll take the time to watch the video. You can also see two more very interesting interviews from QuiltCon at the QuiltAlliance website.

But, the way I met Jacquie really had little to do with actually making quilts, other than the fact that we were both at that place because we were quilters. Jacquie was one of the leaders for the conference and I got to spend some time with her on the first day I worked as a volunteer. Basically, she and I (and a bunch of other folks) schlepped a whole bunch of stuff from the loading dock to the quilt show floor and the office. All of the goodie bags, quilts for the show, office supplies, etc had to be brought from vehicles to the appropriate areas. I was probably counting at some point because that's what I do, but I quickly lost count of the number of trips we made back and forth from the loading dock.

So that was the first time I met Jacquie, after which of course I realized that she was THAT Jacquie Gering, the one who wrote Quilting Modern with Katie Pedersen. Jacquie of Tallgrass Prairie Studio.

The best part about meeting people such as Jacquie (and others I'll write about in coming weeks) is realizing, once again, that they are just regular people. People who have perhaps been working on something longer than I have, or had different experiences or opportunities that led them to where they are today.

So, be sure to check out Jacquie's work. Also, when you have a chance, volunteer for a conference or some other opportunity. It's a great way to get to know people at large events.

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