What if . . . we didn't go back to the ways we've always done things?
What if . . . we all lived in houses we could afford?
What if . . . we all spent less money than we made?
What if . . . we supported our local economies rather than buying everything cheaply at Wal Mart?
What if . . . we bought food from local farmers who grow produce and meat using truly sustainable methods?
What if . . . I use all of the craft supplies I have in my house before I go to buy more?
What if . . . I use all of the food in the cupboard before I go to buy more?
What if . . . we grow gardens in our yards, thereby requiring that less lawn be mowed?
What if . . . we all used manual lawn mowers?
What if . . . we all let the rain water our lawns?
What if . . . some of the currently unemployed were able to pursue creative careers?
What if . . . medicine focused on wellness rather than sickness?
What if . . . there was a grocery store I could walk to?
I'm just sayin'.